Our Journey

"Every cup of Tea tells a Story ...."

Tea offers significance and delight when shared, so does a dream. Achieving this balance requires us to pause form our daily routines and activities and just like tea, take time to let the magic develop to be able to enjoy life’s rich aroma and flavour.

My journey with this unique Flower began back in 2015 when I was diagnosed with stage 3 triple negative breast cancer that spread into my lymph glands. After my final round of chemo therapy we took a Family trip to Thailand like many years before, where I just reconnected with nature and took a well-deserved break from the past year’s many treatments, logistics and going through emotions. This is when I discovered this beautiful Blue Tea.

 Blue Tea not only assisted with physical recovery and over all wellness, but gave me much needed calmness. But it was not until my radical hysterectomy in 2018 that I got a better understanding of actual extend of benefits of this plant. I was plunged into a surgically induced menopause and being unable to use hormone replacement therapy due to my cancer history, I was left in a general sense of frustration and feeling lost. I felt Blessed beyond words for surviving cancer but also guilty for wanting a better quality of life .Everything changed and my own body felt foreign. I began a deeper study into this plant and it this is where my Journey with Butterfly Pea Flowers began.

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