
Not only is Blue Tea a perfect beverage for a destinctive tea experience, but it's also pet-friendly and has more uses than just being consumed.

Butterfly Pea Tea is not just any herbal tea; it is an extraordinary brew that can motivate you to explore the world of natural colours and flavours.

Butterfly Pea Flowers are remarkable honest creation by Nature.  They contain a super bright blue pigment called Anthocyanin and acts as a base indicator, which means it will change colour as the pH level changes.

Adding any acidity like a dash of lemon juice causes a theatrical performance into magenta swirls and clouds.

This will inspire you to explore the endless expeditions and combinations to venture into your own experiments.

The impressive natural profile is 100% organic, caffeine free and burst with antioxidants and immune-boosting for wellness incentives components.


An ovation and exciting incorporation in your well-being

Blue Tea has a destinct earthiness with sweet vegetal notes and a nutty counterbalance. It is a lively, clean-style tea that refreshes the palate.

At Blue Tea SA, we are all about getting back to nature and embracing the power of natural remedies.

Our passion for Blue Tea is derived from all the health benefits and overall distinctiveness.  Whether sipping on ice-tea, unwinding with a steaming warm drink, or creating any of your favourite dishes, it will guarantee exhilaration.

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