Detox Booster

5 March 2024

Help yourself with a Detox Booster, rich in anti-oxidants, immune boosting properties and even diuretics to help with access water retention.

How to Make:

  1. Add 4-5 dried Flowers directly into a cup or use a Tea Strainer and fill up with boiling water.
  2. Let steep for few minutes and watch how the blue hues develop to the colour of your preference.  Try for the darkest colour possible.
  3. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice and raw honey to taste.  Top up with ice for a refreshing and energizing Iced Tea or enjoy warm to sooth your worries away.
  • Lemon is a great source of Vitamin C, assist with hydration and has alkalizing effects and potential disease-fighting properties.
  • Honey in addition to its use as a natural sweetener, is used as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial agent.  People commonly use honey orally to treat coughs and topically to treat burns and promote wound healing.

Optional ingredients for Flavour and Sweetness

You could use sugar or maple syrup for a neutral flavour profile.  Or, if you’d like to add extra flavour, you could use vanilla syrup, lavender simple syrup, etc.

Special  Tip:

Especially in cocktail mixing, the unusual play of colours is a real highlight.  If you let the tea steep in 800ml of gin for about 40 minutes and then add 2ml of it to tonic, you’ll quickly have a refreshing summer drink.

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